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To register for  

November 27


Panthera  Invest
Collaboration with Bank Poalim and ProWoman 

Prepare to meet The naked truth about success. The one that is not learned in the academy, but is formed from life experience, full of successes and failures. Avoid the path others have taken and shorten the path to your success


Boost your management and business skills 
And at the same time the learn about wonders of the stock market!

Create additional income for yourself, with security for your future and reduce dependence on your work capacity. Be a smart investor

Join an easy and simple learning program, but full of inspiration, for personal and business development 

 Take your life a significant step forward  


Without prior knowledge, in a spoken language and easily - only 4 months, you will become a panther

This is your chance to make the right move  and connect to your abilities and money


Join us and wave professional secrets, which are not taught to us anywhere
Do NOT be alone anymore 

The course

Within 3 months, you will learn how to take your business to the next level and how to make money from money. Acquire managerial and professional skills and tools that will always serve you and belong to a community of women like you, independent, entrepreneurial, who do not give up. You will learn to build a strategy that will elevate your business higher and at the same time you will be exposed to the wonderful world of the stock market.  

This is your chance to join thousands of smart and curious women, who have already discovered the wonders of business and the stock market, the smart money. Women who enjoy a sense of security, who have learned this in the simplest and easiest way to apply.

Each one can be a smart investor, certainly in itself.

No prior knowledge is required. It's never too late.  

The program is 58 hours long. Includes 14 frontal meetings, a weekly meeting for networking, a variety of lectures dedicated to women and also one-on-one and personal business consulting, depending on your needs.

The meetings will take place in the prestigious PANTHERA complex, which serves as a social-business club for women in business.

For Registration, fill out the form below


In a short time, you will learn a new language and tools. You will succeed Develop a personal and business strategy, formulate a correct narrative and enough to turn yourself into a brand 

At the same time, you will learn to connect with money, how to invest correctly and create additional income streams for yourself

Details of the meetings

Details of the meetings

Session 1

Winning differently

Opening meeting - Panther leadership with Galit Ben Simhon
For women to be more successful in today's world, a new doctrine is needed, contrary to what society has educated us. A Torah that embodies a practical approach. Panthera is a woman who knows how to win differently. 15 principles for women to win otherwise.

Session 2

What is a strategy 

What makes a business successful 

How to use a strategy for personal and business promotion

Knowing all the fields that build businesses: Product/service development, price strategy, brand and stimulating marketing communications, Market Match - building a winning brand

Identifying strengths, weaknesses and assets

Session 3

Brand strategy, personal branding 

Identification of needs as a business basis

Customer profile and target audiences

Differentiation and creation of added value​, to tell a story and narrative 

Where are you today and how to close gaps

Session 4

Simulations A personal practical workshop about your business in finding the right narrative - knowing how to tell your story and that of your business

Session 5

 Business plan, cash flow, goal setting, metrics and action/work plan

Session 6

  • What is a stock? How do you earn from stocks? Where to look for them?

  • How to test them in a virtual online investment portfolio before making a real investment?

  • Simulations on an initial investment amount of NIS 25,000.

Session 7

Click Market, My Dear

Game Name: To Be Accurate

  • How to accurately identify stocks of successful companies

  • How to identify the differences between a normative society, a "moat" society and a "gorilla" society.

  • The Stop Loss method for stopping losses

  • The secret of the green note, the secret that was not revealed to you anywhere.

Session 8

Click Market,  my Dear

Timing is everything

Course principal

Galit Ben-Simhon, entrepreneur, CEO and founder of PANTHERA. Expert in strategy, management and business development. Has business, entrepreneurial and managerial experience of over 25 years in large and medium-sized companies. She has held senior positions as CEO and VP and initiating and establishing innovative and large companies such as YES , AIG, the first direct, Bank Leumi and Phoenix, with extensive experience in the worlds of finance, services, e-commerce, television, retail, B2B and B2C communications, web and mobile, media and digital. Expert in managing and leading large teams, developing strong brands and a record of business results Impressive. Holds a master's degree in business administration from Tel Aviv University.My motto: "I believe in excellent business, with clear business models, that do good and produce a social impact."

Times and price

Time & Price

The duration - 3 months, up to 58 hours

Who is the program suitable for? Self-employed/entrepreneur/business owner/manager


Course starts on November 27

Registration until November 18, 2022


face-to-face studies will take place on Sundays Between 15:00 - 13:00, at Aarbaa St. Tel Aviv -  Panthera

First meeting date  - 11/27/2022

Last meeting date - 02/19/2023

Emotional focus sessions are held on Tuesdays between 12:00 and 15:00. Subject to availability

Master class sessions (one-on-one personal business consulting) are held on Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m. and on a first-come, first-served basis

On Wednesdays, there are meet-ups - networking sessions + a lecture/workshop by one of the Panthera

The list of classes and deadlines

27/11-Introductory lesson  with Galit Ben Simhon

4/12 Strategy workshop, for businesses - opening

11/12  -  Strategy workshop, brand strategy and narrative

18/12  - Strategy workshop, simulations  personal practical workshop about your business in finding the right narrative

1/1- Strategy workshop, marketing communication strategy, content, business plan, budget and cash flow

1/ 8 - Dear Stock Exchange, opening meeting

15/1  - Dear Bursa, to be exact

22/1 - Dear stock market, timing is everything

29/1- Dear stock market, investment strategies

5/2  - Dear stock market, interest and passive income

12/2- Dear stock exchange, mutual fund

19/2 - Dear stock market, mutual funds b

26/2 Bursa my dear - dissertation

5/3- Last meeting and end of track, negotiation workshop


Cost  - 2,500 NIS, not including VAT *    Can be spread over up to 3 payments, without interest

Location -Panthera , 19 aarbaa  St., Migdal Tichon,3rd floor. Tel Aviv

Phone -  03-3753000

or WhatsApp business 054.97.812.97


WhatsApp  לפרטים נוספים

Thrive in your natural habitat

19th Street, 3rd floor, Tichon Tower

Tel Aviv, Israel

For details and to book tours: 972.3.375.3000
hatsApp : 972.54.97.812.97


Booking a tour / meeting can be done online, by clicking on the top navigation banner

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