+972-54-9781297 Panthera |מסלולים והרשמה | Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
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Want to take your business and life to the next level? Want a flowing and natural networking, while sipping a morning coffee, at a casual lunch meeting on a sun terrace? Want meetings and meetings to increase your business relationships? Is a new world of dating with businesses from diverse fields exciting you?

All routes include networking and content :

  • Strategy for successful businesses - 4 meetings
  • Exposure to the membership community
  • Weekly face-to-face networking / metaps and access to a community of inspiring women
  • Lectures and courses
  • Conference rooms, clinic and production room - at a 50% discount from the price of guests
  • Lounge bar and sun terrace for business meetings
  • Free WIFI and charging points  
  • Light refreshments - coffee and cookies
  • Price does not include VAT
  • Recognized tax expense
Want to sign up? Fill out the form:

WhatsApp  לפרטים נוספים

Thrive in your natural habitat

19th Street, 3rd floor, Tichon Tower

Tel Aviv, Israel

For details and to book tours: 972.3.375.3000
hatsApp : 972.54.97.812.97


Booking a tour / meeting can be done online, by clicking on the top navigation banner

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