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Shared work space * Office meeting rooms and a luxurious lounge

Face-to-face networking * Incubator and business development * Practical management campus
Social Club

hesitating? Want to ask a question?

The only club and work space for professional women

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Discount customer enjoys preference in the registration process and registration fee - payment of 99 NIS, instead of 150 NIS (excluding VAT)
Plus a 10% discount on any of the routes you choose
(Company or resident)

Discount customer is welcome to join Panthera and enjoy a discount and preference in registration. Hurry to register, number of places is limited. Click on the "Pre-register" button and enter the coupon code diMar18 on the payment page.

Panthera is an exclusive closed club and the number of places is limited. We are not able to accept all the registrants and we perform a diagnostic process, pre-admission. Filling out the registration form does not guarantee joining. We will get back to you for final approval.

Please note: The registration fee will not be refunded and is for an initial diagnosis process and for the right to reserve a place, if received.

On the payment page, enter the diMar18 coupon code and click the Apply button. Once the price is updated, fill in the discount card details and confirm and then check that the details are correct for payment and confirm payment again. *

Discount customer?

Thrive in your natural environment

* One-time benefit in early registration, until 31.10.2018. The granting of the benefit is the full and exclusive responsibility of "Panthera", and Discount Bank has no responsibility for "Panthera" services. In the event that there is any claim by a customer for non-receipt of the benefit and / or a portion, please contact Panthera directly and only

Nothing in this publication constitutes a recommendation of the services and / or products provided by the supplier and / or their content

WhatsApp  לפרטים נוספים

Thrive in your natural habitat

19th Street, 3rd floor, Tichon Tower

Tel Aviv, Israel

For details and to book tours: 972.3.375.3000
hatsApp : 972.54.97.812.97


Booking a tour / meeting can be done online, by clicking on the top navigation banner

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